Fall meeting notification sent

Last Saturday at noon Alan sent out the email announcing the May meeting.  It reads as follows:

Philadelphia Pen Club Meeting Notice
October 18, 2008
11am to 1pm
rsvp for security clearance

The featured program
Rick Krantz speaking on
Chilton Pens


You’ve heard of Wife Swap, House Swap, how about

Bring us your old, your tired,
Your weird color ink,
Put it out for someone else to take and enjoy
and you take what you like.
It’s quick, it’s easy and it’s cheap.
Bring your ink to our meeting on
Saturday October 18th, at the Cira Center
11am to 1pm

2929 Arch Street Suite 600
Philadelphia, PA. 19104-2889

Please RSVP to Alan Blacker (blackeraj@hotmail.com) or visit our web site,

Please use the kitchen for the ink swap
Please bring a picture ID.