Just found this news article from January 2013 featuring one of our own!

A fountain pen shop owner adjusts the nib of a pen.

…Myself, I like an occasional dip into the past, and at the Sheraton I find kindred spirits. What brings us here? “It’s an aesthetic,” says Richard Kunin, who’s staffing a table for the Philadelphia Pen Collectors Group, a loose-knit organization of pen enthusiasts…

Site updates

We’ve been negligent in posting updates to the Philadelphia Pen Collectors Group website.  Contrary to what these pages might lead you to believe, there have been meetings happening a couple of times a year.

Have you attended those meetings?  We’d love to update the site with dates, places, agendas and photos of the Philadelphia Pen Collectors Group meetings that aren’t yet listed.

Please send the information you have using the contact form on this site, or on the Philadelphia Pen Collectors Group Facebook page.